Men are notoriously hard to buy for when it comes to presents. If my budget allowed, then I know a new sports car or motorbike would go down a treat. But my budget is not
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Do you have a bucket list? Amazing places to visit
When I last went round my sisters I noticed a map on her fridge of the world, it had various pins and stickers stuck on it. I asked what they were for, and she explained
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Looking good in the Winter weather
Now I have had the baby, my wardrobe needs overhauling. I haven't had many clothes that fit me, and I have been reluctant to buy anything that will only be used for a few months.
Continue ReadingGuest Post: Spotting Asbestos in Your Home at Christmas
Spotting Asbestos in Your Home at Christmas Christmas is fast approaching, and if you’re like most people, you’re making a to-do list of all the shopping, cooking, cleaning and decorating needed to complete in order
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FLASH SALE: Little Fashion Gallery Surprise Bag!
For the first time ever, the world’s original online concept kids store, is creating another first: a limited edition bag of surprises! WHAT? A bag filled with 5 fabulous fashion items + an extra surprise WHAT PRICE? approximately £28
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Feeling festive
It’s that time of the year again and everyone seems to be going crazy for the latest gadgets, ideas for stocking fillers and are hitting the shops for the best deals they can find for
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Don’t send a card, send a cake instead! Letterbox Cake from Baker Days Review
I like cake, but my husband loves cake even more than me. So when a box dropped through my letterbox and I opened it up and said 'Ah, yes the letterbox cake from Baker Days',
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Guest Post: Travelling while pregnant
Many parents use their first pregnancy as a time to cherish their time together before life changes completely, in a wonderful way, but in a way that means less time as a couple. It is
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Guest Post: How to feed a family of 4 for under £20 a week
How to feed a family of 4 for under £20 a week Food prices are soaring and families are spending more and more on their food shopping a week. There are a lot of ways
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