It feels like I have been pregnant forever, well I am just 10 weeks away from a year long pregnancy so Lauren from Spud and Spike kindly pointed out to is still in the comfort of
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Pregnancy Diary: 41 Weeks. Overdue but the end is insight!
I won't lie, it can be rather depressing to not be here with my newborn bundle of gorgeousness. Lots of people due around the same time as me, and even some after, have had their
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Yesterday afternoon my contractions started, they were manageable with breathing techniques but I thought as hospital was so far away that I better get assessed...the midwifes agreed. I got to the hospital after an hours drive and they found
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Pregnancy Diary: 41 Weeks and still just a bump!
I think I have been waiting long enough to meet my baby by now, but she clearly has other ideas. Despite never going into spontaneous labour, I was always holding on to that glimmer of
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So Wednesday was the midwife, and I was expecting nothing...and I got...... nothing. They checked the usual, measured my bump (measuring 41 weeks) checked position (not back to back, whoop!) and 4/5 engaged. But my
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Pregnancy Diary: 38 Weeks of fullness!
I write this from my birthing ball, the birthing ball that is currently the only place I find comfortable to sit. I have pains in my lower abdomen, but know that there is no point
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Pregnancy Diary: Why I eat soap, yes really.
This is my fourth pregnancy and in the final few months of each one I have had the same cravings. Dove soap. Now before I start this tale of weirdness, let me tell you this
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That means that there is 6 weeks left until my baby girl is due to enter the world, although I have been very relaxed about getting everything prepared for her, I am starting to realise
Continue ReadingPregnancy Diary: 30 weeks and totally disorganised.
I cannot believe I have hit 30 weeks pregnant with my fourth (and final) pregnancy. It has all flown by and with some much going on with moving house, kids starting school and going on
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