Last week, while enjoying the Easter holidays, me and two of my big small people popped down to Next HQ. Inside the sleek building, is a mock shop filled with the current Next range. Not
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Sponsored Video: Those Glorious Nothing Days
I absolutely adore those days where you have no plans but to spend time with the people you love the most. The ones where you can snuggle on the sofa and watch films, the ones
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Panasonic Brit Bloggers Imaging Workshop
A few weeks ago I trundled off to Panasonic HQ. Not my usual day, which normally consists of looking after four children and many school runs. Instead I met up with some lovely bloggers and
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Ever sat doing something really boring and wanted to break out in dance or song? I do it often, mainly in front of my children who love randomly rocking out to one of our favourite
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Milk&More – A convenience I adore!
I am sure like most of you, I can remember the glass bottles of milk on the doorstep each morning. Sometimes my mum would be whining as the birds has pecked their way through the
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Kindle Fire HDX, the perfect companion for kids
Last month I attended a lovely launch with the Kindle team, they showed me the brand new Kindle Fire HDX, and gave me a thorough demo. As a mother to four children, I am keen
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A New Year, A New Me!
As the New Year approached, my Facebook feed filled with details of my friends New Year Resolutions. There was everything from losing weight, to gaining weight. I am not really a fan of New Years
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Sponsored Video: Toyota Dream Art Contest Now Open
Do you remember when you were child and dreaming about what the future will hold? I do very clearly, I dreamed how we would all be flying around in bubble cars, probably a bit like
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Become a member of Amazon Family
As big Amazon fans, I was pleased to relieve some lovely gifts from them last week. Included in my package was a range of items that my children are going to love. It was just
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