I am sure you are all aware of Oasis, the non carbonated drink you can buy in bottles. There is no doubting their deliciousness, but what if you don't have room to cart lots of
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Keeping the kids entertained this summer… for less
According to The Daily Mail, 58% of parents worry about keeping their kids entertained over the summer break. They’re also concerned about breaking the bank, thanks to expensive holiday activities – but is there a
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Do You Have Spare Nectar Points? Double Them Up Quick!
If you have a Nectar card, you will know just how easy it is to accumulate Nectar points without even realising. Collecting them can be done at Sainsburys, Homebase and BP. You don't even need
Continue ReadingA New Chapter Begins #ProjectSkinnyPins
So I have officially lost 19lb, which is awesome, but after much soul searching, I have decided it's time to start a new chapter, a chapter of healthy eating and exercise. Yet again, I find
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Tell Me Mummy….Why Is A Tomato A Fruit?
This week, joining in with the lovely Liz from 'Hart of the Munchkin Patch', we are discussing those burning questions that kiddies ask, the ones that leave you wanting to shout 'IT JUST IS!'. Children
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6 Weeks Down….#projectskinnypins
It's been six weeks that I have been doing Sole Source with CWP. I would like to point out, this is my personal journey, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not a
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#projectskinnypins It’s Been A Month Update
I won't lie, it has been an emotionally tough month which I won't bore you with, and as a result it has really pushed me to the limit with dieting. Normally when I am stressed,
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Week Three Begins of #projectskinnypins
So after week two, I was feeling a little hmm about it all. I had been super good, but I stupidly self weighed and I didn't see any difference on the scales. I made a
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Week Two Weigh In, Week Three Looms!
So after a second week of Cambridge Weight Plan, I was struggling with not filling my face, I had my dreaded weigh in...I arrived to my afternoon weigh in, nervous but hopeful. Stepping on those
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