Baking is something I adore, it's something which I never did with my own family growing up, my mum is certainly no baker! But I used to admire my friends mums who would bake them
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Little Live Pets – Snuggles My Dream Puppy Review
My children have been begging me for a dog for about a year now. But that is such a huge responsibility to undertake, and when I have four children to look after too, I just
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Half-Shell Heroes Squeeze Em’s Review
If you have a pre-schooler who loves TMNT, then these are the perfect toy for them. Targeted for the age range 2-4 years, these Half-Shell Heroes are the perfect companion which are great for smaller
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Oddbods Toy Range Out Now!
If your kids are anything like mine, they are loving the show 'Oddbods'. Oddbods is made up of seven cute characters, each with their own personality which is clear to see watching the show. Now
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Num Noms hits Bella Italia!
My daughter is crazy on Num Noms, if you haven't heard of them, they are cute collectables which are a joy to not only open, but collect too! In the summer holidays we were invited
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Ravensburger 3d Unicorn Puzzle Range
Ravensburger is the ultimate puzzle company for us, we have used their products for my whole 13 years of parenting, and it is a brand that I really trust. But there is only so many
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Lion Guard – Leap N Roar Kion Review
We adore Lion Guard, we recently reviewed some of the new Lion Guard toys that are available, but this time we had a Leap N Roar Kion pounce upon us for review. Kion is the
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Being Frugal, Me? Really?
I used to think of the word frugal and imagine someone who is tight and won't spend money at all. I imagined someone living in rags...but the reality is this is so far from the
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Messy Play with Johnson’s Wipes!
Before I had children, I had this idea that my children would be clean and spotless, their clothes would be perfectly clean and they would look like they had never seen dirt in their life.
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