>Many thanks for all your entries! NU7HRYME2Q38The winner of the LolliBop family ticket is....Adrian Chinnery!I have your details from your email entry so you will be contacted shortly from LolliBops!Well done!
Continue ReadingYear: 2011
>Kidskit from icbaby.com competition winners!
>A big thank you to everyone who entered our competitions to win some kidskit goodies from the lovely icbaby.com ! The lucky winner of the Hi-seat portable bootser is..Lorraine Cooper! And second prize of the
Continue Reading>The Rowntrees family challenge
>Rowntree's is a brand I have grown up with. As a child I remember the fun of our family days out in the car, it was always accompanied with a large bag of fruit pastilles
Continue Reading>Baby Zilli Organic baby and toddler food and their new toddler juice range ‘Good enough for mamma and papa too!’
> Aldo Zilli is a famous celebrity chef who has created his own range of premium organic baby food. There is all different stages available that is tailored to be just right for your growing
Continue Reading>BEAR Nibbles 100% Naked nature. Tasty healthy treats for adults and children
>I recently came across a fantastic range of snacks for both adults and children, so I had to share it with you all!Introducing you to...The Bear range includes....YoYo’s! These are aimed at children, although much
Continue Reading>The Smart Trike Recliner Stroller review with 16 month old Mark
>For those who are regular readers, you will know that we have been putting the Smart Trike Recliner Stroller through its paces.First up we had 6 month old Madison trying it out for size. But
Continue Reading>Hipp Organic toddler tray meals review
>Next up for Marky, my tiny taster, was Hipp Organic's new Toddler Tray meals!The Hipp Organic toddler tray meals are suitable for 12 months plus. They come in 7 different flavours and each has 260g
Continue Reading>Hipp Organic 100% fruit pouch review with a great Hipp Organic competition to win one of three weaning starter packs!
>The fabulous Hipp Organic team who we met at The Baby Show kindly sent Marky some Hipp goodies to test out!First up is Marky's favourite, 100% fruit pouches!These are smooth fruit purees which are suitable
Continue Reading>Today is…
>a day for stealing mummys double chocolate with cream costa drink
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