>Rowntree’s is a brand I have grown up with. As a child I remember the fun of our family days out in the car, it was always accompanied with a large bag of fruit pastilles
Rowntree’s is a brand I have grown up with. As a child I remember the fun of our family days out in the car, it was always accompanied with a large bag of fruit pastilles or fruit gums that we would share. Me and my dad always used to dive straight for the red and black ones first!!
So when I was contacted by Rowntree’s to ask me to take part in the Rowntree’s family challenge I jumped at the chance!
Rowntree’s have released some new sharing packs which they think are fantastic for sharing with your family and creating some great family moments. I was chuffed to recieve my package. It was beautifully hand wrapped and it was really exciting opening it seeing what we would have to do.
So our list of challenges were:
2. Dress or act like a Jelly Alien!
Here is a short video with us doing the family challenges!
Our challenge – Draw us the very berry trees that we pick to make our very berry jellies so juicy!
Jordan and Brooke loved this and here is the results!
Here is Jordan’s Very Berry tree!
We all loved taking part in the Rowntree’s family challenge. It was a great oppourtunity to take a break from the busy routine that we have each day to have some fun!
Why not take part in the challenges youself? Take some time out to have some fun with your family and Rowntree’s.
Check out Rowntree’s new wesbite at www.rowntrees.co.uk and their facebook page at www.facebook.com/rowntrees