5 responses

  1. Monika aka mumonthebrink
    December 9, 2012

    I have my fingers crossed for you and hope it all goes well! I feel for you as I went 42+5 with second because I refused to be induced for my dread of needles. It all turned out fine and was my calmest and easiest labour. He was born 10 lb 8. So try not to worry & remain confident in yourself.


    • danielle
      December 9, 2012

      Thank you Monika 🙂


  2. Joanne Dodd
    December 9, 2012

    IV lines I was dreading to but in all honesty when the contractions kick in & your are sucking that gas & air you don’t notice it.
    Good luck & I can’t wait to see pictures 🙂


  3. Elaine Livingstone
    December 10, 2012

    Look forward to seeing the pictures and hearing how you get on. Hopefully with being a 4th it will be a quick and easy procedure for you.


  4. Sara
    December 10, 2012

    Get on with it missus!! Your kids just like to keep us all waiting!! I’m checking for baby news daily! All im going to say is im just glad I’m not pregnant with you this time! LOL Come on little Miss P!!!! xx


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