Adjusting to life with a fourth child

Baby Emma is nearly 5 weeks old and I am pleased to say she has slotted in rather nicely. I was dubious how my youngest would cope with a baby in the house, but she

Baby Emma is nearly 5 weeks old and I am pleased to say she has slotted in rather nicely. I was dubious how my youngest would cope with a baby in the house, but she came home armed with an Octonauts toy for him and he announced quite proudly ‘She can stay’. Ever since he has been a real sweetie with her and says in a soppy voice ‘Ahhhh baby Emma’.

emma and marky

My older children are equally as chuffed with the new addition, and Brooke is rather happy she is no longer the only girl. They are my little helpers and my 10 year old spends ages with her

jordan and emma


I won’t lie, having four children to look after is hard work. But it has been a gradual process, ranging from age 10 to newborn there is plenty of age gap in there. I do have to be more organised than I was before, I have to make sure Emma’s feed are at a time so I can get the kids to school and playschool. I am finding I have even less time for myself, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Cliché I know, but it’s so true.

2 thoughts on “Adjusting to life with a fourth child

  1. I remember having my fourth baby and feeling much the same about how lovely it was that she just slotted in with our family so perfectly. It was like she had always been with us! Funnily enough there are ten years between my eldest and my youngest too 🙂

  2. It helps when older ones can help out even if only for a minute of 2 with the new born, somebody to amuse them when they are at the cant quite walk but need amusing all day stage. Im glad they are all happy with her. I always wonder if it is you are more relaxed as more experienced, with my first I attended to her every whim, with the last if they were fed and changed and winded and nothing particularly wrong then they were left to grizzle while I was busy with older ones. The baby sling was my best friend with the youngest as it made life easier when bathing older ones etc

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