How Do People Cope Without A Schedule??!

I need to be more organised. There I said it. It’s almost like admitting something really awful as I strive to be so organised, but the simple fact is I need to take it up

I need to be more organised. There I said it. It’s almost like admitting something really awful as I strive to be so organised, but the simple fact is I need to take it up a gear. With a fourth baby on the way, and three kiddies already my house needs some form of schedule. ‘Schedule?’ I hear you say, ‘Why the hell would you want one of those, just do stuff as and when it’s needed?’. Well logic would say that would happen, but over the summer holidays I have taken the casual approach and things have not gone well. As a self employed working from home mum, who is still looking after the kids too, my brain is frazzled. Chuck into that mix pregnancy brain and I will shamefully admit I have forgotten to cook the kids dinner last week, luckily my 7 year old daughter Brooke is forward with her feelings, and did ask ‘Mum…..are we having dinner today?’, which made me check the time and almost have a mini panic attack. It was this that got me thinking, I need to be more organised.

I like being organised, I like list writing and ticking things off. I used to run a pub, and list writing and organisation is the only way when you have a team of staff to get everything sorted. So I will openly admit I did a weekly cleaning task lists, as well as daily ones too. It worked, and staff could go through and tick off what they have done while on shift and write their name, so if it wasn’t done, I would know who to tell off.  I think this has also slipped through to my home life though as I cannot sit down in the evening knowing there is something to be done, it’s almost like the dirty plates from dinner call my name, taunting me with the dirtiness. I know one things for sure, work and home need to come separate. My office hasn’t yet been finished in the house but once it is then my work lists will live in there and hopefully being able to shut the door and ‘turn off’ will help, almost like clocking off time.

Next week the kids go back to school and Mark is now in his new nursery two full days a week, so this is my time to work with no distractions and fit the household chores that cannot be done with him around. Now I am a firm believer in getting the kids to help with house work a little, nothing major but I encourage (or beg) the kids to put their dirty washing in the wash baskets. They have to take their plates out to the kitchen after eating, and they empty their lunchboxes. Marky is quite good and loves to help. He will fill the washing machine up, and empty it. He ‘helps’ me hoover with his toy Henry and even has his own duster. But when it comes to chores like changing the bedcovers and cleaning the toilets, I would rather do it myself and not have a toddler trying to be helpful, especially when there is bleach involved.

For the house I am thinking I need to write a list of weekly tasks, and maybe filter them down into days I propose to get them done, then do a daily list of stuff. I want to start hard, so I shall include times for doing the kids packed lunches, cleaning teeth etc. I plan to get the clothes for everyone sorted the night before, so no running around like headless chickens looking for a pair of matching socks just before we need to leave the house.

Am I alone in my tight regiment style schedule? Surely I need some form of organisation as a mum to three, soon to be four (five if you count Mr P). Right now I don’t know how people keep a spanking clean house while working and looking after kids.


3 thoughts on “How Do People Cope Without A Schedule??!

  1. never made lists but did do things like breakfast dishes and tupperware of cereal on the table in an evening so ready for the morning. Did have set routines for bath, supper, teeth, stories and bed.
    I washed and ironed in an evening when they pre-school mornings when they not..
    Back in my day their were no distractions like computers, games consoles, mobile phones and parents did not have to live up to expectations.
    Your lists will help you prioritise, but do try and remember to get some you time.
    My daughter can find 3 hrs to play on her pc but no time to hoover or tidy and you have never seen a shit hole that so needs a good clean and tidy – but she is too busy!!

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