Sewing…Can I actually Sew?

I avoid sewing holes up on trousers or even hems, like it is the plague.  I don’t mind admitting to you that my friend is wonderweb, you know that double sided stuff you iron hems

I avoid sewing holes up on trousers or even hems, like it is the plague.  I don’t mind admitting to you that my friend is wonderweb, you know that double sided stuff you iron hems up with, although that never seems to be straight. If it is a valuable item of clothing (don’t think I own them since having kids though) I have no worries about giving it to my mother dearest who is always armed with a sewing kit which has every colour thread you could ever need! She has on occasions bought me my very own sewing kit, complete with needles, pins and thread. The needles have come in handy for putting holes in the crafts stuff, but I will freely admit I don’t attempt to sew clothes or anything else for that matter!

So today when I attended my eldest sons school for an open afternoon, you can imagine my shock when the teachers hands me a piece of material, a needle and thread. ‘What do I have to do Miss?’ I ask, she replied ‘Sew what J has drawn’. I look at it confused. ‘Sew in what way?’ I ask. ‘Cross stitch’ she replied before sodding off to inflict this torture on another parent. I look at the needle, I look at J. I look around the classroom and other parents are sat concentrating and creating with their child eagerly looking on. J decides to start playing Dr Who Top Trumps…

So I start cross stitching (is that even what it is called?). Now I am not stupid, I know what a cross stitch is, although I am unsure if I am doing it right at the back. But as long as the front looks ok, that’s all that matters hey? I also didn’t realise that you had to join the crosses…yes school girl error. So I went back and joined them up. But then I got to a rounded letter, how the hell do you make a ‘O’ out of square crosses?

I had to admit, I actually got quite into it, and found it strangely peaceful. Despite the noise of the classroom and children elbowing me repeatedly. So I have made myself yet another promise (that’s the second this week, first it was to do more crafting!) that I will learn to sow. I actually have a cross stitch kit upstairs from when Brooke was born, which I bought with the intention of making and framing in her room….so I will attempt to complete it. Even if it is 8 years late….but I will start next week. Promise.


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