As part of our second box we received the Hexbug Nano Hive Playset to review. We are big Hexbug fans in the house, but we have never had a habitat for our little critters so
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Toyologist 2012: Logo What am I? Board Game Review
I was quite excited for myself when Logo What am I? turned up in our Toyologist box, I love guessing logos and knew this would be a challenge all the family could join in. It
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Toyologist 2012 – Fur Real Dizzy Dancers Review
As part of the Toys R Us Toyologist 2012 we were sent Fur Real Dizzy Dancers to review. We have quite a few Fur Real toys in our toy collection, so Brooke was keen to
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Toys R Us Toyologist Review: Moshi Monsters My Moshi Home
As part of our Toyologist program, we were sent a Moshi Monster My Moshi Home. Moshi Monsters is a popular toy amongst the age bracket for the age group we are testing for, and my
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