Technology is important in today's world, it is being incorporated into our daily lives to help make our lives easier and dare I say it, more organised. There is an app available for almost anything,
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Brother Labelling Machine Review
When the Brother Labelling machine PT-H175 was sent through to me to review, I literally squealed. I have always wanted one of these bad boys! I strive to be more organised, but most of the time
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Giant LEGO Snow Globe Comes To London
Last year it was a huge LEGO Advent Calendar; the year before the world’s largestLEGO Christmas Tree; this year, it’s the world’s first ever super-sized LEGO Snow Globe! I absolutely adore this..... Designed and built by Duncan Titmarsh, the
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Holidays are coming....holidays are coming....... Yes, Christmas! Keep your eyes peeled....
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DC Super Friends Magazine Review
The brand new DC Super Friends Magazine arrived on our doorstep last week and my very own Superhero grabbed it straight away! Each issue of the brand new magazine includes Exciting stories about the super friends Batman,
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Winnie the Pooh Hungry Dancing Pooh Review
Who doesn't love Winnie the Pooh? I grew up with Pooh bear and my kids have always had him in their lives too, in the form of films, books and toys. We were recently sent
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Schleich Ice Sleigh Review
Schleich is a brand I trust massively, they produce top quality figurines which really do stand the test of time. I have figures from when my now 11 year old was just a toddler, and
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Traffic Jam Saviour in the shape of a CD!
My children travel well, ever since they were tiny we have used the car regularly. They have always been really good in the car, and they know what is expected of them when we are
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Have you ever tried to walk on your hands? Or even stand on your hands? If so then fair play to you, I cannot do neither. However the well known Parkour athletes Tim Shieff and
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