I wrote last week about my first week on my Cambridge Weight Plan journey,and then my first weigh in where I lost 8lb. Now here is the new instalment of mishaps. Remember, I am not
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My Cambridge Weight Plan First Weigh In Revealed
For the past week, I have been keeping my thoughts on the start of my Cambridge Weight Plan journey, as well as the first few days on the Cambridge Weight Plan. Please do pop over
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My CWP Diet Journey Continues….
Just a few days ago I posted about the start of my Cambridge Weight Plan Diet Journey, and since then I have been keeping track of my daily thoughts and feelings. Now I would like
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My Cambridge Weight Plan Journey
Just last week I wrote about how my weight loss journey was taking a new turn, a positive one, and probably the most positive I have ever made. For the past three days I have
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#projectskinnypins continues…with Cambridge Weight Plan!
Just a few weeks ago I told the world how I needed to lose weight. Since then I lost a pound with Weightwatcher, yes one measly pound despite counting points and being good. That isn't
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How IKEA Made Our Life Better
It's a bold statement, but I can honestly say the title sums it up brilliantly. Just a few weekends ago, the team from Ikea overtook my house and created something utterly amazing that has made
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My Weight Loss Journey Begins #projectskinnypins
As a child I was slim, I had never been overweight as such, until I had children. After having my first son 12 years ago, I pinged back into my size 8 jeans. Then after
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Shreddies Coco Caramel Out Now
Just a few weeks ago I received a present from The Knitting Nanas...yes the actual Knitting Nanas! Yes, it's my very own knitted box! How amazing?! Inside of course was a proper box of
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My visit to Morrisons as a #MorrisonsMum
Last week Morrisons announced how it has reduced a large range of items to be cheaper, not just for a few weeks as a special offer, but permanently lower. As a challenge, Morrisons sent me
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