I will freely admit that since my third child is born I have been yoyo-ing in regards to my weight. I will lose a stone then put a bit back on, then lose a bit
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Marshmallow Crossbow Review
When an email popped through to me about a Marshmallow gun I immediately started imagining myself dressed as rambo firing marshmallows at anyone and everyone. It arrived in a slimline box and opening it it looked daunting,
Continue ReadingNursery or not to Nursery? that is the question!
All my three children have attended private nursery since they were under a year old. This is for a few reasons, obviously due to needing to work and earn a wage, but also because I
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Bambino Mio Miowipes Review
As our potty training continues we still have a big need for baby wipes in the house. I thought I had tried every single baby wipe brand there was, and was content with a brand
Continue ReadingSponsored Video: Londoners need homes for London
There’s a desperate shortage of affordable homes for Londoners. People are priced out of home ownership and some are competing to rent run-down properties for astronomical prices. You only have to have a peek at
Continue ReadingFive Things That Make Me Happy
A new meme to give you a peek into what goes on inside my mind, five things that make me happy. But I also want to know what makes other people happy. So my five
Continue ReadingPersil and Bear Grylls – Top Ten things to do before you’re Ten!
Bear Grylls is known not only for his amazing survival skills but for his passion for the great outdoors, which is why I was pleased to see his new collaboration with Persil, after all as
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>Pregnancy has it's side effects and so does the experience of child birth, but it's one of those taboo subjects that people don't like to discuss openly. Pelvic floor exercises are important for women to
Continue ReadingMorrisons M Savers Range – shopping on a budget
>Last week Morrisons held a special event at a cookery school where me and some other fabulous bloggers were given the oppourtunity to attend a launch to see what the new M Savers range entailed,
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