This coming Tuesday something very small and very cute is due to hit Twitter in a big way... no it's not my son (although he does fit the criteria) It is actually the Sylvanian Families
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Guest Post: Fun Halloween Crafts
With Halloween just around the corner, you and your kids might enjoy spending some time on some themed craft activities to prepare for the day. This will be a useful way of preparing decorations if
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Munchkin Click Lock Cup Review
When Munchkin UK asked if we would like to try out their new Click Lock Trainer Cup I jumped at the chance. It boosts some impressive claims.. Sometimes things in life just click and this
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We have been featured in ‘at home Parenting with Jo Frost’ Magazine!
Opening up the glossy cover of Octobers issue of 'at home parenting with Jo Frost' magazine, the last thing I expected to see was my blog staring back at me featured in '10 top parenting
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Crave Maternity Style Tips
Being 32 weeks pregnant, I will openly admit that I have no fashion sense, I need all the help I can get! I am sure I am not alone so thought I would share this
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Come on, we all remember the adverts? Ok, in all honesty I am an advert geek, they are the best part of TV for me and since I was just a toddler my parents said
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Snuggle up with Next this winter
Being 32 weeks pregnant, it is no surprise that my most favourite place at the moment is my bed. We have just moved to the country from a new build house and I can tell
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Keeping kids entertained at a party can be a challenge at the best of times, and especially when catering to different age groups. Putting together the right party games and activities consequently becomes about being
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Jacobs Oddities picture fun, play with your food!
Have you tried Jacobs Oddities yet? They are bright coloured bags of fun baked shapes, perfect for kids and adults alike! Containing no artifical colours of flavours they are perfect for lunch boxes, snacks, parties...the
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