6 responses

  1. Charlie
    May 13, 2012

    I’ve just read your blog about autism and wondered if you could tell me how you first knew j had autism. My son is 16months now and is not reaching his milestones. Even tho I work with adults with disabilities I don’t know a lot about toddlers/children with disabilities, I’m starting to worry now as the hv is sending my son to a specialist to find out why he is not developing like he should be. Thank you


    • danielle
      May 13, 2012

      J always reached his milestones as expected, except talking. He didn’t talk until he was 4 and even then he needed speech therapy. When he was young the ADHD was more noticeable as he just couldn’t sit still, let alone sleep! As he got older his obsessive behaviour and need for things to be in certain ways were the main things I noticed. I wish you all the best with the specialist, its great they are being very pro-active in getting things checked(i know some parents who struggle to get HV/doctors to help and notice) all children do develop differently at different times, so it could just be that is a little slower xxxx I wish you all the luck in the world xxxx


  2. Charlie
    May 13, 2012

    He crawl, stands and walks holding on to me or furniture but won’t walk alone. He has done things a little slower due to a muscle condition in his neck when born ( tortilcolis) but he is growing out of that with exercises we do with him. He does not talk at all or point to objects of interest and is still very baby like in the way that everything in his mouth and chewing it the hv has told me he should of grown out of this by now. He shows no interest in pets or other ppl. I am hoping he is just a little slower at developing as its something we can work on with him it’s just got me very worried. He has no siblings yet to watch and learn from so I’m hoping it’s just that. Many thanks for your help.


  3. Joanne Dodd
    May 14, 2012

    I can totally relate to this, T’s is also 10, 11 at the end of this year and we pretty much do everything for him and he too does not go out unsupervised. His school teach him many life skills like making toast, making a cup of tea, they even take them shopping. His school has its own cafe, garage, hair salon & garden centre all that he will get the opportunity to work in when he is older. He will also be able to stay in school till the age of 19 if he wants too. Good luck with J


  4. Elaine Livingstone
    May 14, 2012

    I allowed my children and grandchildren into the kitchen from young, maybe 2 or 3 they started to make a sandwich or take a biscuit out the tin or fetch an apple for themselves. Cooked with them from about 3 with them stirring, rolling etc but nothing hot.
    Bob is just6 and he can make cakes and biscuits from scratch
    By about 8 they were allowed near a cooker under constant supervision, and at 9 they could manually chop vegetables ( and the odd finger), and make a pot of soup, warm in a microwave, use a toaster, or make a cup of coffee ( were not allowed to lift the cup once poured) .
    By 12 they could all make and serve a full roast dinner unaided. Even the epileptic one was allowed to do it all, I just hovered much much closer with her.
    You know your own kids best, and what you are happy for them to do, I would say dont worry about what your pals kids do – they are not yours


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