The NSPCC is a well known charity which does some amazing work, it’s a charity which is very close to many peoples hearts. They have recently teamed up with the hit TV show ‘In The
The NSPCC is a well known charity which does some amazing work, it’s a charity which is very close to many peoples hearts. They have recently teamed up with the hit TV show ‘In The Night Garden’ to create a fun and exciting way to organised a fundraiser and have fun with your friends, and your child’s friends too.
Simply sign up for a special NSPCC ‘In The Night Garden’ fundraising by following the link to the official NSPCC website, it’s really easy to do and is free.
But that’s not all, there is some fantastic rewards for your fundraising…
•Raise £5 and receive a set of thank you notes for yourguests•Raise £20 and receive thank you notes, an In the NightGarden magazine and a Pontipine Picnic board book•Raise £60 and receive thank your noted, magazine,Pontipine book and a personalized mini animation•Raise £125 and receive thank you notes, magazine,Pontipine book, mini-animation, an Igglepiggle blanket anda set of In the Night Garden cuddly toys•Raise £200 and receive thank you notes, magazine,Pontipine book, mini-animation, Igglepiggle blanket, cuddlytoy and In the Night Garden bedroom set•Raise £250 and receive all of the above and get familytickets to In the Night Garden Live 2018

•£5 could answer a call to the NSPCC helpline from anadult who’s worried about a child.•£60 could pay for the Speak Out. Stay Safe. programme toreach 20 primary school children.•£200 could answer 50 calls to the Childline service fromchildren who feel like they have nowhere else to turn.