Have you seen the amazing new Thinkway Toys Star Wars range? It consists of remote controlled BB-8 and R2D2... Awesome hey? My sons would adore one of these amazing toys, and it's not hard to
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SpinMaster Bunchems ‘On The Go Easel’ Review
You cannot avoid the drama around Bunchems, it is all over social media how children have made crowns for their hair and as a result had to have their hair cut off. So when I
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LEGO Store Leicester Square NOW OPEN!
If you are a fan of LEGO, you NEED to head on down to the brand new LEGO Store Leicester Square! Opening on 17th November 2016 at midday, this is something not to be missed.
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Yvolution Y Flyer Scooter Review
We recently reviewed the amazing Yvolution Strolly Compact, which went down a hit with one year old Charlie. But today we have something for the older children, a cool new scooter, the Yvolution Y Flyer!
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Disney Star Wars Science Force Lightening Energy Ball Review
If you have a Star Wars fan in the house, then you will know that slowly your house starts getting over taken by cool toys, and this one is no different. This super cool light
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Jakks Disney Princess Belles Musical Tea Cart
Be Our Guest! Yes I know you are probably now signing the song, it's catchy and brings back so many great memories of the awesome film 'Beauty and The Beast'. It was a film I
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Disney Star Darlings Starland Fashion Dolls Giveaway!
Disney Star Darlings fans, this one is for you! Now you can bring the magic of the Disney show to real life with your very own Star Darlings Starland Fashion Dolls. Available in all of
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A day in the life of a childcare worker…
As a mother to four children, it can be so hard to know what career path to follow. I want to spend time with my children, but I also need time to be 'me' as
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Chubby Puppies by SpinMaster
We recently received the Chubby Puppies playset to review, and I have to say it has been a massive hit here with Emma. Included in Chubby Puppies Pet Fun Centre is a complete playset for
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