Time to learn to love myself?

Just over two years ago I started my weight loss mission. I was tipping the scales at almost 14 stone, which was pretty big for my tiny 5’nothing frame, I looked pregnant, but reality was

Just over two years ago I started my weight loss mission. I was tipping the scales at almost 14 stone, which was pretty big for my tiny 5’nothing frame, I looked pregnant, but reality was I was just carrying a food baby.

Since then I have never gone back to that weight, I lost 3 stone, regained 1 stone, I have yo-yo-ed around a little, losing a few pounds then putting a few on. But I have never got to my target weight, and often my target weight has changed from 10 stone to 9 stone. But why do I want to lose the weight? When I was 9 stone I thought I was large. Now I am 12 stone and I still feel as big as I did when I was 14 stone but then it’s exactly how I felt when I was 9 stone too!

I am officially in the overweight category of the BMI scale, and I will admit that I do feel pressure to be as slim as possible, why? I don’t actually know. Maybe it’s the perception from magazines and TV while growing up, maybe it’s because I was raised by a woman who was permanently trying to losing weight despite the fact she was thin as a pin. Maybe it’s because I just don’t like what I see when I look in the mirror? But then will that ever change? Maybe I need to find some happiness from inside, about who I am as a person, not just by trying to look a certain way…..maybe there is more to my life than just trying to be as thin as humanly possible.

me 2016


2 thoughts on “Time to learn to love myself?

  1. My blog is called “Eat Like You Love Yourself” partly in response to some of this. I was looking at how I was eating (trash mainly which I wasn’t even enjoying) and decided to change the way I ate, not to lose weight really but more to appreciate myself.

    If I’m honest, I’d rather lose a stone from where I am right now but am I fat? Nope. Does it matter? Nope. Focus on being healthy rather than being thin. The two are not the same thing at all. Some thin people are really unhealthy.

    Although I’m not into “clean eating” per se, I don’t agree with diet products either. There is just no fooling your body or brain with them. They don’t taste good and so you are not satisfied.

    If you do want to lose weight, the only thing which ever worked for me was Paul McKenna “I can make you thin” because it’s the only thing which has every challenged why I used to overeat (and still do from time to time so it’s not perfect.) I am a big emotional eater and boredom eater. I also eat really quickly naturally and that book challenges all of those habits. That said, habits are difficult (but not impossible) to break.

    By the way, all that said, you look beautiful just as you are 🙂

    1. Ah thank you so much for taking the time to comment, I really do appreciate it. I totally know what you mean, health and fitness is far superior to weight loss, so I am going to concentrate on this and just let the rest follow suit. I have spent far too much time worrying what those scales are saying, maybe it’s time to set some new goal 🙂
      I shall pop over and bookmark your blog, it sounds right up my street 😀 xx

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