#projectskinnypins continues…with Cambridge Weight Plan!

Just a few weeks ago I told the world how I needed to lose weight. Since then I lost a pound with Weightwatcher, yes one measly pound despite counting points and being good. That isn’t

Just a few weeks ago I told the world how I needed to lose weight. Since then I lost a pound with Weightwatcher, yes one measly pound despite counting points and being good. That isn’t very motivational is it? Ok, so I know it’s healthy, I get it….slow loss is awesome….but I want results, I want to be able to stress less over what to have for my next meal, I want to be skinnier damn you weightwatchers. I am fed up of counting points in everything, so I have decided I would much rather just give up all food. Sounds drastic doesn’t it? I am genuinely excited about starting the Cambridge Weight Plan. For those of you that haven’t heard of it, it’s a meal replacement kinda shindig. However, there is different steps, but personally for me I am going Sole Source, so their products will be my sole source of nutrients etc. The plan is that after a few weeks I will move to  different step, where I am having a healthy dinner and still some meal replacements.

Now I bet you have a million questions running through your mind, or even burning opinions on this. I have spent my whole weekend explaining to people what I am doing, and why I am doing it. Quite frankly I am fed up of it, which is why I am not telling the world on my personal social media accounts, I am fed up of being judged and I am fed up of peoples opinions. I am decided and determined. I am currently on a half carb cutdown, ready for no carbs from this Wednesday which sets me up for my full meal replacement starting on Friday morning. The one person who I thought would tell me I was being stupid was my mother, but in fact she has been supportive and understanding, which reinforces to me that I am making the right decision as she knows how strongly I feel about this.

So one last time for the record, why I am doing it. I want to see results, I want to lose weight and I don’t care if that means a few week hard suffering. I would much rather suffer hard for a month or so, than suffer everyday for a year or so with the stress of counting points or calories. The CWP fits in better with my busy life where I have to eat on the go. I am under no illusion that this is a quick fix, I am looking long term here. But I need a kick start to shift this baby weight…I didn’t get to this size just by eating too many pizzas, I grew two babies and was ill with HG for 19 months. I am not a naturally fat person, I was never large as a child or growing up, I even lost all my weight after my first two children. I want to eat healthy and exercise, and I will…I just need to shift a bit of weight first, so that is what I am going to do. Watch me shrink (hopefully).


I shall being keeping a diary daily of my progress, and hopefully you can follow my highs and lows. Hopefully more highs than lows…

Please note, this is not sponsored in any way, shape (no pun intended) or form with CWP, I have not been asked to post and I am not being rewarded for keeping my thoughts, this is one that is just for me. This is a real life honest journey of the Cambridge Weight Plan. 

2 thoughts on “#projectskinnypins continues…with Cambridge Weight Plan!

  1. You go girl! Good luck! Remember its mind over matter!
    I’ll keep you posted on my progress too.
    I’m behind you all the way!

  2. Every weekend i used to pay a visit this website, for the reason that i wish for enjoyment, for the reason bkkcefdffeee

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