My Cambridge Weight Plan Journey

Just last week I wrote about how my weight loss journey was taking a new turn, a positive one, and probably the most positive I have ever made. For the past three days I have

Just last week I wrote about how my weight loss journey was taking a new turn, a positive one, and probably the most positive I have ever made. For the past three days I have been living my new life the Cambridge Weight Plan way. I was under no illusion this would be easy….

Day One:

This was actually not that bad. I think because it was something ‘new’ and something I had been looking forward to doing. I had my first shake which was chocolate, tasted like chocolate nesquik, I thought that was OK and that worse ways I could live off that for the entire duration.  Lunch was mint choc chip and it was ruddy lovely, think mint vienetta. Dinner was strawberry, disgusting. I have been having my shakes whizzed up in my blender and poured over ice. I was never a big milkshake drinker before, so I thought I would struggle, and drinking it out of a glass made me want to gag purely down to consistency. So the use of a straw is brilliant, down the hatch!

What I did realise throughout the day though is how I pick at food, many many times I went to grab a little something before reminding myself that I can’t eat. Maybe I am a secret eater? I am living by the manta ‘Little pickers wear big knickers’. I found drinking loads and loads of water really easy, although the toilet trips were super frequent. I did feel light headed in the afternoon, but I coped with the smell of cooking sausages and didn’t even nibble a thing.

Day Two:

Woke up feeling bleugh, think it’s just life. I never feel great in the mornings, and normally I console myself with something high carb. This is why I am three stone overweight, as I use food for comfort.  I mixed things up a little today, and had my chocolate shake with a spoonful of coffee and poured over ice, it was like a frappe kinda thing which made my Saturday afternoon better.

Saturday night was always gonna be the killer, it’s takeaway night…treat night…but no more. I did however have half a chicken breast with no skin and fat, cooked healthy. Protein is always a winner as I am trying to get into a state of ketosis.  I did however though go to bed feeling sick and with a headache.

Day Three:

Woke up feeling actually OK and not hungry. Manic morning rushing around after the kids followed by my cappuccino shake with a spoon full of extra coffee in, served over crushed ice was yummy! Couldn’t get the thought of fajitas out of my head though, but know once I’m down a bit on weight I can treat myself to one. I am determined not to give up, if I cave now then the past few days would of been for nothing. I weighed myself this morning, can see the scales slowly getting lower, going to try and not weigh myself now until my consultant weighs me. I got through Day Three with just two mouthfuls of chicken breast.


Day Four:

Tomorrow is Day Four, and I am feeling positive, less hungry and motivated. I know it’s mind over matter, I have realised just how bad my eating habits had become, but now I have stripped that all away I can see exactly where I was going wrong and ultimately why I am the size I am now. My target is a little different from most peoples, I am not looking to get down to my healthy BMI scale, but I would like to maintain a healthy size 12 and be under 11 stone. This would technically put me on the overweight BMI still, but it’s a sensible weight in my opinion and a realistic one to maintain. Only three stone left to go!

2 thoughts on “My Cambridge Weight Plan Journey

  1. Wow, replacing three meals a day must be tough, you are certainly determined! I am on meal replacement but only for breakfast and lunch. Knowing I have a nice dinner waiting for me in the evening keeps me going during the day!
    I will be following your progress and willing you on through out!x

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