My Weight Loss Journey Begins #projectskinnypins

As a child I was slim, I had never been overweight as such, until I had children. After having my first son 12 years ago, I pinged back into my size 8 jeans. Then after

As a child I was slim, I had never been overweight as such, until I had children. After having my first son 12 years ago, I pinged back into my size 8 jeans. Then after having Brooke 10 years ago, it took a few months but I slimmed down to a size 10.



After having Mark 5 years ago, I never really lost the weight again. Since having Emma in 2012, I haven’t lost any weight. This means I am carrying the excess from Mark’s pregnancy and Emma’s pregnancy.


I used pregnancy as an excuse to eat anything and everything. I suffer from  HG when pregnant, so in my mind I am under the illusion ‘Anything to make me feel better’, and chocolate biscuits kinda made that happen. When the babies were born I indulged in all the things that HG didn’t allow, curry, takeaways and lots and lots of carbs. I picked up bad habits, and have been stuck in a rut for a while now. My efforts to lose weight have been futile, and after losing a stone, I put it back on quickly. I actually weigh so much for my 5’1 height that I am on the higher scale of obese on the BMI scale. It just isn’t healthy.

But, here I am today and my mind set is different. I don’t want to gorge, I don’t want to have nothing to wear, as shopping for clothes when I look the way I do is just plain depressing and embarrassing.  I cannot walk into a clothes shop, I feel like everyone would laugh at my size, or judge me for being bigger than average. Then there is the not being able to fit into the clothes I want, let alone looking in those mirrors at the sight I despise. I am not saying that being larger is not OK, it’s how you feel that is the most important thing, and if you are happy being larger, then brilliant. But I am not happy, I am miserable. All I want to do is be able to wear something nice, unlike last summer where I spent the entire hot weather in full length jeans and black tshirt, well black is slimming they say….

So the first steps for me were simple. I am under no illusion it will be simple, and I know I have to change my lifestyle, break the bad habits and embrace a new lifestyle. It doesn’t take a genius to lose weight, you eat less crap and exercise more. Easy right?! Well for some people, maybe. But for me, I have spent the last few months trying to be good, eating better, calorie counting and exercising. Yet nothing has happened. I haven’t lost weight, I have gone up and down a few pounds and nothing more. Which got me thinking, maybe I am doing something wrong?

So I joined online at Weight Watchers, I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I was intrigued how my current diet would compare to theirs. Am I not being as good as I thought I was? It was an eye opener from the very beginning. I have been tracking my points since Monday, and I have already learnt that things I would indulge in before are not as good for you as I might of thought. I love bagels, but at 7 points of my 28 points per day, they can stay on the shelves in the supermarket. Instead I have opted for mini bagels at 3 points, and have a yoghurt and fruit as well, which still brings me under the 7 points of a larger bagel. I love the points tracker, if I am debating eating something, I type in what it is and the chances are it’s already calculated and lets me know how many points it is worth. If it isn’t on the list, I can use the calculator and find out how many points it is.

I have decided to try this for a month, and see how it goes. I am open minded, and if it doesn’t work then I will try something else such as Slimming World or even Cambridge Plan. I currently weigh in at 13 stone 5, and a size 14.

To summarise, I am 5 days into my Weight Watchers #projectskinnypins, and  I feel positive. I have eaten well, and still had points left over. I have been doing a minimum of 5k on my exercise bike a day, and I do think my legs are looking a teeny bit better (well, a girl can dream right?) I like planning my points earlier in the day, and it helps me to make positive choices in terms of what I will eat. Oh and I found Weight Watchers chocolate digestives in Sainsburys today, at 1 point each, that’s my daily treat sorted then!

Weigh in is Monday, I really hope I see just a teeny tiny bit of a difference, but if not I shall plod on for Week Two. Watch this space….


This is a personal post, I am not being sponsored or rewarded in anyway from any of the companies mentioned. All thoughts and views are 100% my own. 

One thought on “My Weight Loss Journey Begins #projectskinnypins

  1. honey this is so totally like where i am at at the moment! i am not ever dieting again as i think its counter productive but i am going to get healthier and fitter!

    If you fancied linking up i host a #ActiveFamily linky about being healthy and fitter, you would be welcome to join xx

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