Silly Moo Game Review

John Adams have a whole range of new games, which look amazing fun for family time this Christmas. As part of the John Adams Games Group we were sent some of them to review, first

John Adams have a whole range of new games, which look amazing fun for family time this Christmas. As part of the John Adams Games Group we were sent some of them to review, first up was Silly Moo.


Silly Moo appealed to the children instantly, it has the cute factor and of course the silly factor too. Included in the box was:


Assembly is minimal, you simply pop Moo into the base, Moo is then ready to filled. You get included a bag of pieces which include milk cartons, cow pats and a gold milk carton. To set Moo up, it’s really simple. To fill Moo up, you simply turn her tail to the right, this enables you a gap to pop a piece in. You then turn the tail again and pop another in. You do this until all the pieces are inside. Don’t put anymore than one piece in each hole, or she will get stuck. I was pleased to find a note in the box giving advice on where to find information to help you should your eager beaver children give Moo a blockage.


To play Silly Moo you simply push her eyes back, fill her up and roll the dice. You simply pull her udders until it clicks as the same amount on the dice.  Sometimes you will get a moo, sometimes you get a cow pat or milk carton. For every carton you score 1 point, for the gold carton you get 2 points, and if you get a cow pat then you minus 1 point. The game is over when Silly Moo’s eyes pop out, you then count up your pieces and the person with the highest score wins.

In reality, the older children decided that the scoring system was good, but with the help of the 3 year old they decided that it was more fun to see who could find the most cow pats!

This game is simple, but so effective. As a mum bonus, it all fits back in the box for easy storage, brilliant! The children all love it, and it has been placed at the top of the favourite games pile! Top marks for Silly Moo!

You can buy Silly Moo from all good toy retailers and find out more online at:

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