Baby Emma is growing so fast, she is now officially 10 months old and crawling, standing independently and walking along with no help sometimes. It really does seem like just a few weeks ago that I was in hospital having her, but at the same time it feels like she has always been part of the family. The other children get on with her so well, she just slotted in and there has been hardly any jealousy. In fact the only jealousy is when Mark wants a cuddle and Emma happens to be on my lap.
In less than two months she will be turning the big 1, and shortly after it will be her second Christmas. I have been going slightly crazy buying her new clothes for December, after all a girl needs pretty clothes! I have really indulged with Emma’s wardrobe since she was born, and now with piles and piles of clothes I have had to start sorting out which ones to get rid of, which ones to give to charity and which clothes to sell. The only problem is picking which ones to keep, she has so many lovely clothes and I want to keep some to put away in a box for when she is older, but I just can’t decide which ones.
Of course a growing baby, does mean more new girly clothes, and the choice for girls does always seem to be more than boys. For Emma’s Birthday I am thinking tutu is a must!
Hi Danielle,
I hope you’re well? My name’s Chelsea and I’m a journalist for national newspapers and women’s magazines here in the UK.
I came across your PICA blog and thought it was fascinating that you had a craving for Dove soap during all your pregnancies. Do you still have the cravings now?
The reason why I’m getting in touch is because I’d love to do an article with you regarding raising awareness of PICA disorder and sharing your story of the condition.
Is this something you would be interested in?
If you decided to go ahead the article would be dealt with sensitively and you would receive a full read back on the piece as well as a fee for your time.
If this sounds like something you might like to do then I’d really like to have a non obligational chat with you on the phone or alternatively you can email me on the address below.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Chelsea x
0121 551 1004
[email protected]