NEW Walkers Mighty Lights

It is almost time to bundle the kids back to school, armed with their PE kits, book bags and their brand new lunchboxes. The lunchbox is always something which I try to change as often

It is almost time to bundle the kids back to school, armed with their PE kits, book bags and their brand new lunchboxes. The lunchbox is always something which I try to change as often as possible, having the same contents day after day is drab. Would you want to eat the same sandwich day in and day out? With this in mind I always try and add different extras in. The children’s school are quite hot on what goes into the children’s lunch boxes, and as a parent I have bought my children up to have a healthy balanced diet. With this in mind I am always on the look out for a way of letting the children have a treat without it having a massive impact on their diet.

Walkers have come up with a solution, Walkers Mighty Lights. They have 30% less fat than regular Walkers crisps. Less fat might sound like they would taste less, but honestly they have more flavour than the standard crisps in my opinion. They also have the bonus of having no artificial additives or preservatives. They also have no MSG.

might lights walkers

We were sent three multipacks to try out. There was Roast Chicken, Cheese and Onion and Lightly Salted. Being a crisp bore,  I only eat salted one, these had a completely different taste to your average Ready Salted Walkers. They have a seasoning which does taste different. The children devoured all three flavours, and have already requested them for the next shopping trip. They are a crinkly kind of crisp, with a good crunch to them. The crinkles are small, not big chunky ones like rival brands crinkly crisps, these are more of texture. The kids loved the texture, the crinkly texture gives them a real edge over your ordinary plain flat crisp. Teamed with the smart packet which has the cute characters on the front, I think Walkers have got this just right for little people.

It doesn’t just stop there, they are not just for small people, adults can happily tuck into them too. I don’t use the word ‘diet’, but I am on a weight loss journey, and I watch very carefully anything I eat. If I eat crisps I need to make sure that the fat content is low, and also the calories are not too high. In the Lightly Salted bag there is 114 calories. That’s about the same as a slice of bread, and I know which would last longer and give me more satisfaction every day!

If you are a vegetarian you will be pleased to hear that all three flavours are suitable for vegetarians, yes even the Roast Chicken flavour! You can enjoy the meaty flavour but with no meat content.

Finally, but by no means least, you will be pleased to hear that they are actually a source of fibre. Fibre that your children wouldn’t even know about, surely that’s sealed the deal for you to buy them?

You can find out more about Walkers Mighty Lights online at:


We were sent three multipacks of crisps for the purpose of this review, all thoughts are my own and 100% honest. 




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