WIN Skylanders Giants Surprise Box!

Skylanders Giants are coming, and they certainly aren’t keeping it quiet! Stomping to your kiddies favourite console shortly they are making a riot, and here is something else to get excited about….winning your very own

Skylanders Giants are coming, and they certainly aren’t keeping it quiet! Stomping to your kiddies favourite console shortly they are making a riot, and here is something else to get excited about….winning your very own ‘Skylanders Suprise Box’ for your very own Skylanders fan right here! This is my Skylanders fan who cannot wait for the launch day!

I will tell you that the surprise package does include the new must anticipated Skylanders Giants…and some other treats too! Excited yet?!

For your chance to win a ‘Skylanders Surprise Box’ all you need to do is leave me a comment letting us know who is your favourite Skylander character and why. It is as simple as that! 

One comment per person please (this will be checked by IP address). Competition closes midday on 19th October 2012 (GMT). Entries received after this time will not be included in the giveaway.




166 thoughts on “WIN Skylanders Giants Surprise Box!

  1. OMG my son is obsessed with Skylanders! I just asked him who his favourite is and he said do you mean a skylander or a skylander giant?! He said his favourite skylander giant will be Tree Rex because he looks cool! His favourite original Skylander is Trigger Happy because once he is upgraded he is super cool !
    I have to say that my own personal favourite skylander (yes it has got to me too!) is Drobot because he can fly and when upgraded his he seems to last the longest when facing Kaos!!

  2. Can anyone’s favourite really be anything other than Spyro? I guess maybe because I am old enough to have played the original Spyro games on the PS1 that’s why he is my favourite.

  3. My favourite Skylander character has to be Spyro! Totally original and as amazing as he always has been!

  4. I have it on good authority that “Eruptor” is the greatest skylander! According to my 7 year old Eruptor can make a massive lava puddle and volcanos which shoot out lava balls and he can shoot lava out of his hands. This is apparently “way cool” and the best character for “kicking their butts” – I shall take his word for it 🙂

  5. My son is Skylander obsessive, his favourite is Wrecking Ball because he is cute and dangerous at the same time.

    My favourite is Whirlwind, because it has the power of rainbows xx

  6. my 5 year old loves all of them but his favourite is Eruputor because he shoots fireballs. my 9 month old loves watching them jump in and out of the portal of power!

  7. My 6 year old son loves Skylanders and can’t wait for the Giants to come out! He really likes using Drobot as he can fly and shoots very quickly!

  8. Oh my gosh, my boys are both skylander CRAZY! We haven’t got any yet but they go to friends houses and play and it is all I am hearing at the moment! Just asked edlest who is nearly 9…he said he loves “eruptor” as he can shoot lava balls of fire!

    I have *No idea* but I suspect it won’t be long before my house is overtaken!

  9. My oldest son (9) favourite is Terrafin and my youngest (4) favourite is Gill Grunt. The 4year old has just started playing sky landers with his brother. It’s the first thing they have played together without fighting.

  10. My son is, like many it seems, a HUGE Skylanders fan, his favourite is Drobot, because he’s really cool and ready for action. Personally I like Trigger Happy. Can’t wait for Giants!

  11. I asked my son 7 (who wants to get into skylanders as he’s seen the adverts but mum isnt cool enought to have bought him this yet!) and he told me spyro because he’s the hero…This would defiantly make his week, and might even make mummy cool at the same time if we win!!

  12. My Son Rowan says Stealth Elf because it’s fast moving & great for the Nintendo 3DS boss level because it’s 100% speed & jumps a long way

  13. My 8yr son is nuts about Skylanders, he is counting down the days till the giants are released and he has been doing this for the last 4 weeks, I have just asked him favourite character and his reply was Dark Spyro as he is really hard to find and he is cool with his powers

  14. We spent ages looking for Stealth Elf, she now sits proudly on our fireplace having been played with an awful lot. Waiting patiently for the release of the giants.

  15. For me it always was and always will be Spyro the family have all played the old spyro’s on game boy advance and DS also on play-station 1 and 2 had to buy a couple of 3d’s just so we can play the new spyro I am such a big kid but my son loves the new spyro to 🙂

  16. Has to be Hex! My son wasn’t too keen at first but I persuaded him 😉 She’s fab & her although a little slow to start, she soon becomes the most powerful. It’s my son’s fave – despite being a girl!

  17. My son’s (8) current favorite (changes constantly) is Crusher even though is not avail yet! The “X”s have been crossing off the calendar days for almost 2 months in prep for GIANTS. Every single conversation gets sidetracked to Skylanders these days. One more week! Even the 5 year old (who isn’t allowed to play the game yet) like to play with the figures and cards.

  18. My favorite is Drobot, I love the lasers, and how he shoots, my son loves almost all of them and i think Trigger Happy is his favorite!

  19. Spyro. I loved those games when I was younger, and I’m glad to see he’s still around (even if the format he’s in now baffles me, but that’s growing up for you I guess!)

  20. My seven year old son Elijah and I love Whirlwind the most because when she is fully upgraded, she has the power to heal other Skylanders health!!! So whenever one of our Skylanders are near death we just pop Whirlwind on and restore whatever Skylanders health that we are playing with!!! Plus we just think it’s cool that she shoots rainbows!!!

  21. My grandson is Skylander mad ! I love Spyro as i use to play the original game ! I asked my Grandson and his favourite is Trigger Happy because he’s funny:)

  22. Wrecking ball, because my youngest son (age 3) runs round the room trying to copy him flicking his tongue out. So funny! xx 🙂

  23. My sons favourite existing Skylander changes daily. He had the chance to get on stage at Lollibop this year after we travelled from Carlisle ONLY for him to meet the giants… I’d say Tree Rex is his current overall favourite because he is the first giant he got to meet!

  24. My fav is Stump Smash because even though he’s a bit grumpy, he’s fearless and just keeps going until the jobs done!!

  25. Its my sons birthday today and we have bought him the Skylander start kit. At bedtime we have to kick him off the xbox and no doubt will be limiting his time on it as it will be OBSESSED. Both my sons love Spyro, my eldest played the original on his ancient PS1 and can still remember him and my youngest as he is the only one he played with so far.

    He also go £45 in money for his birthday so you can guess what thats going to be spent on.

  26. My favorite Skylander is Slam Bam. It is so cool how he can surf on an ice surfboard. I also love that he can freeze people. I can’t wait to get Legendary Slam Bam!

  27. My son was obsessed with Skylanders. I think we have just about every character. He didn’t have a favorite, he LOVED all of them. I liked Stump Smash the best as it was the first one to Level 10. I was sad when I told him the Giants were coming. I asked him if he wanted it, and all he said was, “Sure.” The same kind of “Sure” I hear when I ask him if he wants vegetables. I am hoping once he sees it in real life he will get into it again, because I love playing with him too!

  28. my son says ‘tree rex of course, silly mummy’ lol because hes the stongest and his name is like a dinosaur 🙂

  29. Skye is now after the Giant Skylanders, She want Tree Rex.
    My favourite Skylander is Trigger Happy becuase he runs around like a loon shouting “mine mine mine” hehe

  30. My boys are on this all the time its all they talk about and now my otherhalf is quite addicted to it they all have there favourites but mine is Voodood i love the way he walks round like he owns the place xx

  31. gosh cant pick just one – my boys are huge skylander fans. the favourites at the moment are stealth elf and whirlwind _ however when we get a new one it changes. my sons are on countdown to the launch date……i get asked how many more sleeps all the time!!
    the new giants look awesome

  32. spyro! i loved the original spyro games, but i dont have skylanders 🙁 my friends little brothers do and i love watching them play! looks so fun!

  33. My 7 year old son says: Ignitor because he has the best attack EVER and he’s powerful. I like pretending to be him!

  34. It’s got to be Spyro! I remember playing Spyro in the original game and have passed my love for him onto my daughter!

  35. Warnado because it looks a bit like my tortoise. They both have shells and big eyes. Best of all I like his special tornado power. It picks up the baddies and smashes them together.

  36. Spyro is pretty cute but I like Bouncer…he reminds me of Iron Man a bit and has a bouncy bum…bit like me that way 🙂

  37. Spryo as he has this game on his 18 yr old cousins old PS1. So although Spryo isnt as cute as he was back then hes still just as loveable.

    But it does change alot as my son totally loves this game and said all of them when i first asked

  38. My sons like Lightning Rod the best as he looks like a GOD!! (Perhaps even Zeus himself!!) He also has the coolest attack thunder and lightning from the clouds. He has the most powerful lightning in the world!!

    They can’t wait for the Skylanders Giants to come out!!

  39. My daughter is Skylander obsessed and just said Spyro and Tree Rex were her favourites, but Spyro just takes it on cuteness though tree rex looks tougher!

  40. Trigger Happy for my son. It fascinates him that his gun turns into a turret! For me, I’m in the Spyro camp, you can’t beat the originals!

  41. My kids love Skylanders – they just wish that I could get the hang of the game so I could play with them without holding them back hehe.
    My favourite character to play is Stealth Elg. She is cute but tough – I like a strong female role model in my childrens games 😀

  42. My sons are both skylanders mad but they don’t have a favourite. They did want stealth elf but nowhere had it available. I would be the best mum in the world if I was to be lucky enough to win this.

  43. My sons favourite is trigger happy – he says its because hge shoots everything :/ my favourite is spyro as hes cute and i used to play the original spyro games when i was younger 🙂 x

  44. Would make my grandson’s Christmas!! His favourite (after much deliberation!) Eruptor – but if I asked him tomorrow that answer may have changed!

  45. I love Trigger happy! He is crazy and fun just like my 2 sons who would be over the moon to win this fantastic prize, fingers crossed

  46. Flameslinger, a fairy that shoots fire, I think its great, a dont mess with me fairy with the right attitude 🙂

  47. My Grandson Jayden, said that Dark Spyro he’s soooooooooooooooooooo cool Dark Spyro ROCKS he also like sunburn, spyro, legendary spyro, camo, cynder, Warnado, legendary Bash, Bash, Sonic Boom, Whirlwind, Zap, Drobot, legendary Trigger Happy, Trigger Happy and Wrecking Ball they rock and he hope I would buy him one for his Birthday on 12th november…, he like to have all of them,.

  48. My favourite Skylanders character of all time is Spyro because I’ve always loved dragons even though they’re not real! But my favourite Skylander Giants character is Bouncer just because he looks like a cute robot.

    My little brother is a HUGE Skylanders fan, so he would absolutely love it.

    Thank you.

  49. My favourite skylander is stealth elf as that is the only one my 4 year old massive fan will let me be, even if I die. It’s not fair 🙁

  50. My son is screaming at me with excitement that his favorite character is Bouncer, because he is the fastest out of the giants and his best looking!!!

  51. My boy loves the new one Bouncer because he’s a robot, but of the ones he has he likes Trigger Happy because he has fully upgraded him and says “he is quite cool”. I like Dinorang because I think the weapons are inventive!

  52. Spyro – the first and always the best, remember the ps1 games – totally unique and a great step towards teaching big games companies that ‘gaming can also be educational’ It sparked a huge influx of game related education titles which continues to this day – more than 17 years later. A true legacy, spyro will live on just like mickey mouse/tom & jerry etc..

  53. Spyro! He is my favourite Video Game character of all time too! I still remember the first time I ever played on the first Spyro game on the Playstation.

    It’d be fab to win this – I would say for the kids – but it’s definitely for me too!

    Thanks 🙂 xx

  54. i would have to say terrafin because of his ability to dodge attacks by going underground and then attacking by coming up and body slamming ,also when he is upgraded his powers takes away so much and also by how awesome he looks.

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