Pregnancy Diary: 19 Weeks. Boy or Girl???

Just next week we find out the sex of the baby (if baby plays nicely), but I know this is isn’t the case for everyone. With my first two children I never found out the

Just next week we find out the sex of the baby (if baby plays nicely), but I know this is isn’t the case for everyone. With my first two children I never found out the sex, but I had ‘mothers instinct’ which actually turned out right. This time though, I think my mothers intuition is playing up. Right from my 10 week scan pictures people kept telling me it was a boy, in fact not one person said girl. Swayed by people power I agreed it is probably a boy. But a couple of weeks ago the baby flipped and sat on a nerve and my instinct was to say ‘ouch naughty girl’….Hubby says I am being silly and he still thinks its a boy.

If it is a boy I will be chuffed as Marky will have a little brother to do boy things with, as well as share a room (maybe). But if it’s a girl I get to buy lots of pretty pink dresses, there is no doubting that little girls clothes are far prettier than boy clothes. Although saying that, I spent a great deal of time (and money) finding gorgeous bright coloured funky clothing for Marky and have kept every single item he has outgrown, so financially it would be better for my bank account if it’s a boy!

Meanwhile I have still been suffering with the sickness. Last week was unbearable and I became a hermit once again, hugging my cushions while gagging. Even talking makes me gag, which is sad as Marky is a real book worm and loves me reading him stories,  I had to stop every sentence and gag. I have been to the doctor last week to sort out blood tests. I just don’t feel very well in myself, and it’s not just the sickness. I think it’s probably my low blood pressure and aenemia, the doctor agreed. I have been advised to up my intake of salt to help rise my blood pressure. Salt is something I have always avoided. My mum bought me up to not use it in cooking, as she doesn’t, so I have never ‘missed’ it. But now I am having a sprinkle on my dinner and I have got to admit I rather like it! The doctor also sent me for a host of blood tests but decided that I needed a fasting one, but then he hesitated and ticked both fasting and nonfasting boxes on the blood form (his theory was I might be able to fast, but then I might not). Well the only thing that stops me gagging is eating….so last week I went for a test and just couldn’t manage it, so I had one weetabix in the morning to settle my stomach. I woke up that day feeling awful anyway, but used every bit of my energy to drag my bum to the hospital a wait the 45mins for a blood appointment (queuing system, first come first served). I got inside the room feeling awful, and the blood nurse says she can’t do it, as the doctor has ticked both boxes. I burst into tears right there in front of her, not little sobs, but a full blown howling and tears streaming down my face. She was very sweet and apologised, but it was the icing on the cake for me. I now needed to go get a doctors appointment and get a new form. I waddled back to the car, past the queue of people waiting, who had obviously heard my howls and tears and they stared at me. I locked myself in my car and cried for a good half and hour until I could see straight and drive home in a safe manner. I can look back and laugh now, but at the time I was distraught. I had such little energy and needed it done so they could sort what was wrong with me.

This morning I woke up and actually felt fine, I had a bit of a lay-in and my preparation of getting everyones school clothes ready last night had paid off as it meant no stress of running around trying to find a sock. Monday is Markys day off nursery, so teamed with a toddler I done the school run and went straight to hospital. I was pleased to find I was ticket number 9, and it was only on number 6 so I had a very short wait! I also had a very patient little boy who has been just gorgeous this morning and was stroking my arm where the cotton wool has been taped on. I cannot wait until my blood tests come back next week….

In fact it will be a day of exciting things next Monday, I get my blood test results, and we have the 20 week scan….we also pick up the keys to our new house in Oxfordshire and take the kids for a visit to their new school!

One thought on “Pregnancy Diary: 19 Weeks. Boy or Girl???

  1. When you move to the shires you get an actual appointment for bloods!! No first come first served basis here!! Drop in midwife clinic too within walking distance of your new house!!! Brand new doctors surgery!!! And I get sauna privileges!!! Lol xx

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