The First Day of the School Holidays

It’s the first day of the school holidays and I am feeling fairly smug  positive. I sat down last night and brain stormed all the ideas for activities,dinners and crafts that were whirling around my

It’s the first day of the school holidays and I am feeling fairly smug  positive. I sat down last night and brain stormed all the ideas for activities,dinners and crafts that were whirling around my brain. With this I have then put down a couple of activities a day and put down a lunch too, as during the holidays I like to feed the children hot food at lunch time if I can. This is purely because I find the kids are hungrier at lunchtime, and it also means they can help me with the cooking in the morning which stops the constant nagging for a snack! Marky my youngest also attends nursery until 1pm for 4 weekdays and has hot food for his lunch there, so it makes life easier to do a cold tea for all three of them.

So today I have all three of the children at home so the activities have to be suitable for a 2 year old, a 7 year old and a 9 year old. I have the easel out with large paper on each side, plenty of Crayola crayons and a pack of stickers.

We also have a big tub of Duplo out for free play, which my 9 year old has been happily playing with, he has built a house for his little brother and added some words.

Later this morning we will go out into the garden for some sand and water play and to play on the climbing frame and slide.
This afternoon the plan is to go for a walk and find some interesting bits and bobs, such as some stones for painting later in the week, pine cones, leaves and anything else that looks appealing.

Tomorrow the youngest is at nursery to I shall be doing some craft tasks with the older two which would not be suitable for the 2 year old. So far so good! But will it all go plain sailing???

4 thoughts on “The First Day of the School Holidays

  1. >Sounds like you have a great Easter Holidays planned! Sometimes I think I need to give a bit more structure to our days at home. We were at the beach yesterday and Pumpkin took a shine to a couple of stones she found on the beach so am planning that she can decorate them (just with colouring pens) later in the week and maybe pass them on as Easter gifts!

  2. >do you structure their day for you or them? I just left mine to do whatever and joined in as requested/required.

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