Ravensburger 3d Puzzle Review

When a Ravensburger 3d Puzzle turned up, I was more than keen to rise to the challenge! So me and my 9 year old advanced puzzling son set to work! There is 216 pieces included

When a Ravensburger 3d Puzzle turned up, I was more than keen to rise to the challenge!
So me and my 9 year old advanced puzzling son set to work!

There is 216 pieces included in this model, included is hinged pieces to create the shape of the building and there is absolutely no glue required!

The pieces are plastic, each one is numbered and has an arrow to tell you where to put the next piece and therefore create a sturdy model which is actually quite robust! So armed with the instructions we set to work…sounds easy doesn’t it?

Then it’s just a case of concentration and making sure you put the pieces tightly together.

There is intervals where you have to add the plastic support as supplied, then simply carry on jigsawing!

and on….

getting there…

Then you carefully pop the model on top of the base…

It is a brilliant model, and I am so proud of this!! It is really sturdy and looks brilliant! This model really does require some concentration but it is worth it for the end result. It is great fun, any puzzler will love it!

There is other buildings available in the Ravensburger 3d range including Big Ben, The Eiffel Tower and a red and white lighthouse.

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