My name is Danielle and I am an addict…

I will freely admit that since my third child is born I have been yoyo-ing in regards to my weight. I will lose a stone then put a bit back on, then lose a bit

I will freely admit that since my third child is born I have been yoyo-ing in regards to my weight. I will lose a stone then put a bit back on, then lose a bit more….and so it continues. I am trying to find out why I am like this and what my weak point is that is causing it.

I can honestly say I think some of it is down to energy drinks. Not only are they full of calories and sugar but the side effects are causing me other problems. I drink an energy drink for breakfast and within 2 hours the effect is starting to wear off and I start to get shaky and feel physically sick and will fall asleep suddenly, I assume this is my blood sugar levels dropping suddenly. The only way I can feel better is to have a bar of chocolate and another can of energy drink. Don’t drink them in the first place I hear you cry, but I honestly feel I NEED this stuff in my life to make myself feel better. If I don’t have a can in the morning the headaches start, a can of the stuff and I feel all right.
Is this an addiction or is it just a physiological problem? I have no idea but I know this can’t continue. So next week I have decided I am going cold turkey. My hubby is off work for the week so should the worse happen and I collapse in a heap he will be on hand to pour some energy drink down my neck.(said in jest I might add)
How will I cope with no energy drinks? Will I be craving it? I have been known to travel miles to get a can of the stuff when none was available where we were, surely that reinforces the fact I have an actual problem when it starts to affect your life in such a way.

Watch this space….

8 thoughts on “My name is Danielle and I am an addict…

  1. >ohh good luck I hope you can crack it, any addiction or need for something like energy drink, alcohol or tabacco is better if beaten so I hope you can go cold turkey x

  2. >I'll do it with you. I was talking to a friend at toddler group last week who was just as bad as us, drinking a couple of bottles of the own-brand stuff that comes in a 1L bottle every day. She's gone cold turkey, and found she's lost about a stone & a half, and feels a million times better in herself.

    (I can't drink more than 1 can in a few hours, I OD'd on Monster once, had a second can too soon after the first and spent the afternoon hallucinating little flashing snakes and the world went wobbly.)

  3. >Good luck it's hard. I was totally addicted to diet coke I drank 12 cans a day. I had serious headaches coming off it. It was actually slimpod that got me to stop. Good luck hon x

  4. >Let's do it!! I am on day one and I haven't touched a drop…although I have had a couple of swigs of cocacola!!

  5. >Thank you, was it the sweeteners in the diet coke you got addicted to? I'm trying to pin point if mine is a caffeine addiction or the sugar!

  6. >How're you getting on? We've been away for a week, so my supply was cut off, though I did have a couple of Diet Cokes (I can't cut it all out, I'll cry!). We've been back a day & a half, and I've been to the shops a couple of times, but I haven't been near. So far, so good. Next challenge, work tomorrow.

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