Maclaren Volo Dylans Candy Bar Limited Edition

You all know I have a passion for pushchairs, but my passion is always for something different to what everyone else has. So when I saw the Maclaren Volo Dylans Candy Bar I just had

You all know I have a passion for pushchairs, but my passion is always for something different to what everyone else has. So when I saw the Maclaren Volo Dylans Candy Bar I just had to have it!!
I travelled from my home in Essex to Peterborough to try it out, just to make sure Mark wasn’t too big for it, or anything else that would be disastrous to find out after I had bought it!
This was Marks first try in the shop!

I was so excited even when the box appeared at the collection point!

Getting it home, I waited until my older children were in bed before I opened my new toy. I was pleased to find the volo in one piece, no wheel assembly involved. I simply had to unfold it, and add the hood on (which is easily detachable anyway!) It is easy to fit, it simply slides on.
The hood is waterproof which is great to know. It is also lovely and large and will provide great shade to Mark. (the label is attached here, thats not part of the design)

I then added the funky liner which is reversible. It is super easy to attach. You simply pop the straps out of the actual buggy seat and then thread them through the liner and into the seat. I love that it is washable, as my son is a dirt magnet!

This is it with the blue side-

and this is how it looks with the black side-

This is what the pushchair looks like without the liner. The seat is a plastic mesh and will be great for the beach, and for mucky ice creams as it wipes clean!

I bought the extra bumper bar to go with it, as mark loves a bumper bar in front of him, but personally I think it looks smart…
Here it is with the raincover attached (which comes included in the price!) I love the images printed on it.

I was pleased to see that the braking system has been modified since I had my last Maclaren 5 years ago, they have created a special linker that allows you to simply push it with your foot. That’s a vast improvement on the way it used to be!!

Mark loves his Maclaren Volo Dylans Candy Bar, and actually didn’t want to get out!

I have had my Volo a week now and only took it out today for the first time as I have enjoyed admiring it like it is a piece of fine art in my living room.

I love that it has a shoulder strap to make it easy to carry.It folds down easily, and there is handy catch to keep it folded. I love the Volo as a lightweight pushchair, it really is light and smalls down very flat and neat, it fitted in my tiny boot very well.

The only bad point I can think of is that the seat doesn’t recline. The seat is fixed and therefore only suitable for babies aged 6 months plus. But with an older child, I don’t feel this is a major problem as Mark rarely naps now at 18 months old.
Mark is a large lad and still has plenty of room, he finds it comfortable and enjoys being inside it. It is easy to push and steers easily, the wheels are 4.5 inches tall, so quite small, but great for urban pushing. I am yet to try it off-road, should I ever try it at all!!

The Maclaren Volo Dylans Candy Bar is bright, funky and great for holidays. I love it!

This review is completely my opinion. I was not paid to share my views, nor did I recieve this pushchair or anything else in exchange for this review. I just thought I would share some pushchair love ♥ and hope someone enjoys reading it if they are thinking about buying one.

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