> OiOi have a large range of the most gorgeous baby bags that really brings some sophistication to the everyday changing bag that we all need to use. I was delighted to receive my OiOi
OiOi have a large range of the most gorgeous baby bags that really brings some sophistication to the everyday changing bag that we all need to use.
I was delighted to receive my OiOi dark chocolate soft touch leather change bag!
It came in a protective dust bag, just like my designer hand bags! When I opened it, I realised just why it was called ‘soft touch leather’, it is made from lambs leather and is the softest leather I have ever experienced on any bag!!
The inside of the bag is just as great as the outside. It has water resistant lining and comes with lots of extras that make life easier. There is a lovely OiOi plastic wipes box, an insulated bottle holder which has a special clip on to attach to the inside of the bag, a large padded changing mat, a zip top mess bag for keeping those messy bits out of the gorgeous bag, and stroller straps to attach it to your buggy. They are all included in the price of the bag.