It's a fact, kids adore bubbles. They can create hours of fun, but let's face it as parents those small pots with a tiny wand doesn't always cut why not see what Gazillion Bubbles
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Clinique meets Crayola!
The prestigious brand Clinique has teamed up for a brand new collaboration, and it's one I can totally get excited by...Crayola! Ii am a huge fan of Clinique as a brand in general, their products
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Today is #NationalHuggingDay
We all know a hug is pretty special, it can be anything from a little hug to a great big bear hug, they all have different reasons behind them. In pursuit of happiness, people traverse
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Happy Healthy 2017: Approaching Week One
So just last week I wrote about my plans for 2017. The past three years I have spent on a dieting yo-yo. Going down by 3 stone and up by the same again. I thought
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Cadburys #Cadvent Collection
I had to share this new with you all, as a massive chocoholic, I squealed when I saw this email pop up in my inbox today! What's better than Cadburys chocolate? Cadburys chocolate that you
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It's that time of the year again, where people decide to get the 'Elves on the Shelf' out, and partake in some festive fun. So it's not everyone's cup of tea, but do you know
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Helping Your Child’s Education At Home
I have four children in four different schools, all in different year groups and all working at different levels. It can be confusing to know what I can do to help them. I like to
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My first born son has a diagnosis of ADHD and ASD, this is a diagnosis he had 9 years ago from when we were living in Essex. In Essex it was a quick process for
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Time to learn to love myself?
Just over two years ago I started my weight loss mission. I was tipping the scales at almost 14 stone, which was pretty big for my tiny 5'nothing frame, I looked pregnant, but reality was
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