You all know my love for cheap healthy meals for the family, but this time Morrisons have found another way to help save your pennies and keep the children amused at the same time. What
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The Cost Of Sending The Kids Back To School
With a 9 year old and a 7 year old, the price of going back to school seems to be getting steeper each year. I don't remember it costing this much last year, but maybe
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Back to School with Lelli Kelly and Competition too!
We are massive Lelli Kelly fans here, not only because they are pretty but also because the quality is amazing. For many years now Brooke has had Lelli Kelly boots and shoes every season, and
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What kind of driver are you? I will freely admit that I have no patience when it comes to traffic jams, people who can't indicate, people cutting up others, middle lane hogs, the list goes
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Lindam Safety Day
Lindam launches Safety Day campaigning for fewer accidents in the home “The Difference A Minute Can Make.” Lindam, the UK’s number one home safety brand* today launches Safety Day to highlight to parents the number of
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Persil and Comfort Maternity Swishing Party Pack Competition
Have you heard of Maternity Swishing? It's a great new trend which where lots of people get together to have some fun and save some pennies! You simply bring along all your maternity clothes or
Continue ReadingGuest Post: Preparations for Pregnancy
Preparations for Pregnancy Any responsible parent or parent to be knows that there is a long list of things to consider before deciding to have a baby, whether it’s your first, second or even
Continue ReadingGuest Post: Protecting Your Children With Life Insurance Doesn’t Have to be Expensive
The point when kids start arriving, is the point when most people start to think more seriously about the future. Making decisions about a whole new person's life can be a bit daunting. What to
Continue ReadingSponsored Video: Domestos for UNICEF
The leading brand Domestos are working with UNICEF to help tackle the global sanitation crisis. Domestos and the Unilever Foundation are partnering with UNICEF to help improve access to basic sanitation in areas that need it most.
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